Thursday, 21 February 2013


I am really excited to be starting the year off with a great group of children! I have a really mixed bunch and am looking forward to the challenges and learning that we are going to have together.

Last year I enjoyed learning about the bucket of happiness and sharing it with my class. I really wanted to start right from the beginning with this new group of children and so far they are being very responsive to it. Bucket filling is all around my room and I am giving "warm fuzzies" to children to put in their own buckets when I see them filling another persons bucket.

I am looking forward to including a lot of ICT into the programme this year and we are starting off well with 80% already knowing how to correctly log into the computer. This year I am looking forward to exploring new programmes with my class on the computers. We are also using our interactive whiteboard a lot especially during whole class maths, writing and circle time. I am looking forward to learning more ways I can use it with groups while also keeping the rest of the class on task and not just watching what is going on!

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