Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Term 3

Term 2 was an awesome start to my time at Vardon. My class and I completed our goals for ICT including some awesome photos taken by the children using the digital cameras. We were also really lucky because we got our touch screen interactive whiteboard part way through the term and 2 netbooks at the end of the term.

ICT is going to feature even more in Term 3 thanks to our latest additions. I'm looking forward to using the tools we have to keep track of what is going on in the Olympics and to inhance our learning in other areas. I am always on the look out for great sites for Year 1 children particularly for literacy and numeracy so if anyone finds any feel free to pass them on. We will be continuing our class blog and our goal will be to get a new post up every week. I am also going to remember to post on my blog more often!

I am also really excited after my meeting today about the Schoolgen programme. I am looking forward to getting together with the Solar Stars group and seeing what changes we could make in the school to save more power and how they can help educate other children with power saving tips. Look out for us in an assembly soon.